Activated Capability | Communicated Results | Celebrated Assets | Applied Skills |
Focused Action |
Leadership Development
We Teach You How to Differentiate Yourself
AchieveGlobal's award winning leadership development and training solutions are all developed from on-going global (and local) research into best-practice approaches, skills and processes.
Our leadership development programs are utilized by many of Philippines' leading organizations - essentially we teach you how to differentiate yourself and develop great leaders by understanding what the best in the world are doing! To find out about some of the solutions we offer please see below.
Activating Change™ - Executive Version
AchieveGlobal's consultants work with the executive level of an organization to ensure that leadership development solutions effectively achieve lasting results-for customers and for the organization. Consultants help clarify strategies and change objectives, review the related results from their organisational Change-Capability survey, identify actions required to activate change, and drive executive commitments to lead and support their change initiative(s). Change capability becomes a positive reality-quickly.
At the end of the workshop, executives will extend their abilities to:
Inspire and support organizational change capability
Work as a team to build momentum for change
Coach managers who lead change efforts in their area
Activating Change™ - Managers Version
This workshop calls out and underlines the most critical practices for leading change today, and is broken down into three units:
Unit 1: Activate Capability
The practices learned in this unit create an environment that encourages individual change capability to grow.
Unit 2: Communicate for Results Participants
Learn critical change communication practices that catalyze commitment and results-oriented action.
Unit 3: Monitor Mechanics and Mood Participants
Learn practices to stay in touch with implementation challenges, as well as strategies for responding to resistance.
Profiles of Genuine Leadership™
The core of this program is focused on the Leadership Profile. a self-assessment that measures each participant's performance in six leadership zones. Participants are not only driven to analyze and celebrate their leadership assets, but also encouraged to consider and develop their blind spots and opportunities for improvement. They are then presenred with actionable strategies to optimize the specific structure of their profiles.
Bridging Strategies to Outcomes®
This workshop helps senior managers build commitment and focus effort at every organisational level. Participants master and apply key interpersonal skills, fine-tuned and framed for this audience.
At the end of the workshop, participants are able to:
Seek out, clarify, and confirm ideas and information
Describe organizational issues and strategy in a compelling way
Recognize the challenges and benefits of giving constructive feedback
Focus individual action on issues through feedback
Explore useful ideas for turning strategies into action
Lobby for the support and resources they need to address key organizational issues
Generations in the Workplace: Leveraging Age Diversity™
This workshop calls out and underlines the most critical practices for leading change today, and is broken down into three units:
Unit 1: Activate Capability
The practices learned in this unit create an environment that encourages individual change capability to grow.
Unit 2: Communicate for Results Participants
Learn critical change communication practices that catalyze commitment and results-oriented action.
Unit 3: Monitor Mechanics and Mood Participants
Learn practices to stay in touch with implementation challenges, as well as strategies for responding to resistance.
Leading Innovation: From Concept to Customer Value™
Unlike many programs that concentrate exclusively on creativity and/or the 'fuzzy front end', Leading Innovation: From Concept to Customer Value develops skills and competencies around building a culture of innovation as well as the capability to manage and facilitate a process that will bring results to a new level. This process not only helps participants understand their role as innovative leaders, it also helps create a common language and serves as a critical focal point for appropriately prioritising and deploying the effort and energy of all involved.
Unit 1: The Heart of Innovation
Unit 2: Your Role in Innovation
Unit 3: Optimising Diversity
Unit 4: Sparking New Thinking
Unit 5: Shaping and Selecting Ideas
Unit 6: Executing Innovation
Needs-Based Coaching™
Build sustainable motivation in your associates by creating an environment where their intrinsic psychological needs are met.
Module 1: Shaping a Motivational Workplace™
Look at motivation in your associates by creating an environment where their intrinsic pyschological needs are met.
Module 2: Offering Rewards and Recognition™
Learn how to affirm positive results in a way that highlights competence, strengthens relationships, and encourages internal motivation in others.
Module 3: Realizing Talent in Others™
Learn a collaborative approach to developing capability in others that matches the motivational needs of employees with the needs of the organization to produce results.
Module 4: Giving Needs-Based Feedback™
Learn to use principles derived from the Self-Determination Theory in order to give and receive feedback in a way that builds motivation and delivers organizational results.
Managing The Performance of Others™
As the manager, supervisor or leader of a work group or team, performance leaders help others do the work that ultimately makes an organization successful. They must ensure employee performance aligns with the direction and strategy of the organization. The skills taught in this workshop help participants prepare for and conduct different types of performance-related discussions.
Module 1: Planning for Performance Discussions™
Prepare for performance-related discussions that increase productivity, collaboration, and the achievement of critical goals.
Module 2: Clarifying Performance Expectations™
Learn to discuss performance expectations with others in a way that increases their sense of ownership and gains their commitment.
Module 3: Correcting Performance Problems™
Realize skills for addressing recurring or serious performance problems, getting an individual's performance back on track, and building motivation for improvement.
Module 4: Conducting Performance Reviews™
Build skills and receive tools to conduct a performance review that focuses on major responsibilities, opportunities for improvement, and developmental needs.
Accelerating Team Productivity™
Today's teams are expected to produce more than ever before, faster than ever before. As a result, this workshop is designed to help leaders focus teams on key results and outputs, and build energy and momentum toward achieving goals.
Module 1: Building Team Pride and Purpose™
Discover the principles and skills that instill high degrees of pride and purpose in teams today. Explore today's workplace challenges and the need for accelerating performance through teamwork.
Module 2: Developing Team Agility: Day-to-Day Tools™
Focus in on strategies team leaders can use and actions they can take to build high levels of team agility: quickness, flexibility, and adaptability.
Module 3: Resolving Conflicts Within Your Team™
Learn the best ways to handle tricky situations that often develop among and between team members, including how to intervene directly or to support team members in addressing these situations on their own.
Module 4: Negotiating Resources for Your Team™
Build the negotiating skills needed to secure resources for teams. Learn to negotiate solutions that work for all parties involved.
Maximizing Your Supervisory Potential™
As a result of the business environment in which they operate, new - and even tenured - supervisors frequently find themselves performing an awkward and uncomfortable organizational balancing act. This workshop helps leaders strive to balance between multiple elements of their job responsibilities.
Module 1: The Hallmarks of Supervisory Success™
Explore in detail three critical Hallmarks - personal credibility, work group commitment, and management support - so that you are cognitively prepared to make the transition into management.
Module 2: Delegating for Shared Success™
Learn the equation that adds up to delegation success: thorough planning, clear communication, and effective follow-through, which together result in successful delegation of work.
Leading Meetings - Facilitating For Results
Develop skills to conduct productive, results oriented meetings, no matter how complex the issue or diverse the group.
Leading Virtually: A Framework for Results™
Enhance leadership skills that will maximize the performance of dispersed workgroups. Focus on two key elements for leading virtual tams - team cohesion and individual commitment.
INDIVIDUALS deliver results through productive behaviours
Activating Change™ - Individual Contributor Version
Participants learn and apply best practices that help them handle the stress that can come with change, build skills that promote their personal success, and promote the long-term success of their organization.
Building Trust Under Pressure: The Basic Principles™
Learn a universal set of leadership guidelines that helps tranform individuals into genuine leaders. Participants examine ways to apply the principles in a way that enables them to be more efficient, effective, and productive in their job.
Problem-Solving Results: Solutions, Improvements, and Innovations™
This workshop provides participants with the skills and strategies required to find appropriate problem solutions and the energy to implement them.
Unit 1: Connecting People and Process
Get acquainted with a dynamic seven-step process for defining and analyzing problems, finding solutions, and implementing them.
Unit 2: Exploring Gaps, Causes, and Solutions
Explore a number of tools that can enhance success while using the problem-solving approach. Use a separate toolkit to work with and explore several specific methods.
Unit 3: Deciding on a Solution
Learn how to define decision-making procedures and use objective criteria to evaluate choices and arrive at a solution.
Unit 4: Making It Happen
Discover specific strategies to aid in action planning and follow-through, as well as approaches that build and sustain momentum for those involved.
Workload Management™
Module 1: Identifying Work Priorities and Setting Verifiable Goals
Help employees prioritize work and establish a system for the verification of goal achievement.
Module 2: Managing Your Priorities
Manage competing priorities and maintain high levels of personal productivity.
Connecting With Others: Listening and Speaking™
This workshop helps participants learn how to listen effectively, identify and cultivate good sources of information, and master the process of encouraging people to share their knowledge. It also enables employees to have a positive impact on the organization by focusing on their presentation skills, regardless of audience size.
Module 1: Listening in a Hectic World™
Learn to make conscious and deliberate choices about how to focus your time and attention in order to consistently extract what you need from listening situations and opportunities.
Module 2: Speaking to Influence Others™
Consider strategies and approaches for ensuring that what you say to others has the greatest possible impact in the most efficient way.
Working Through Emotions and Conflict™
Unproductive emotions and conflict in the workplace are two major interpersonal influences that deplete the energy required to meet goals. This workshop teaches important, effective ways to manage emotions and conflict.
Module 1: Addressing Emotions at Work™
Discover skills for managing emotions in the workplace, helping to prevent runaway emotions, and remain productive and focused toward organizational goals.
Module 2: Resolving Conflicts With Your Peers™
Examine a model for the effective management of conflict - which will result in increased collaboration, innovation, problem solving, and productivity in the workplace.
Workskills: Steps to Your Success®
Module 1: Defusing Emotionally Charged Situations
Examine the consequences of allowing emotions to negatively affect actions and learn techniques for defusing tense situations.
Module 2: Getting the Information You Need
Learn to listen actively, ask clarifying questions, and verify what is heard, especially when taking on a new assignment or being trained in a new task.
Module 3: Helping Your Team Work
Understand the power and personal rewards of teamwork and the habits of effective team players.
Module 4: Managing Life Outside Work: Handling Emergencies and Resisting Temptations
Identify and develop plans for coping with a range of issues and events that can make it hard to meet an employer's minimum requirements.
Module 5: Positive Responses to Change
Discover positive and flexible responses to change that improve long-term success in the organization.
Module 6: Speaking With Confidence
Explore a simple process for expressing ideas and information, and learn to overcome nervousness and other potential barriers to effective communication.
Module 7: What It Takes to Succeed: The Basic Principles
Learn minimal expectations of the workplace as well as broad guidelines for day-to-day interactions with others.
Click here for more information on this workshop.