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Amplify leadership through virtual learning.

Engaging, interactive, and learner-centered 

on-the-go learning by AchieveForum


Leadership Training Programs

Everyone has inherent strengths and weaknesses when it comes to their performance and productivity in the workplace. For those in a position of leadership, these traits are magnified. Positive traits can enhance the employee experience and drive spectacular performance. Negative traits can drop productivity and morale to near zero. 

AchieveForum provides you with practical, research-based solutions that will help your leadership mobilize employees, accelerate the implementation of business strategies, improve agility and drive measurable performance at every level of your organization.


Emerging Leaders


Emerging & First-Level Leaders


First-level Leaders


First-level & Mid-level Leaders


First-level, Mid-level, & Senior-Level Leaders


Mid-Level Leaders


Mid-Level & Senior-Level Leaders


Senior-Level Leaders


All Levels of Leaders

Emerging Leaders

Emerging Leaders
Activating Change: Individual Contributor

Audience: Emerging Leaders

Business Outcomes:

Emerging leaders who need to remain engaged and productive during period of organizational or technological change.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your emerging leaders to:

  • Describe the benefits of becoming change-capable

  • Learn about a change in efficient, productive ways

  • Identify external business realities that create the need for change

  • Leverage past successes and strengths to adapt to change

  • Take positive action within their areas of control

  • Resist the natural tendency to sink into a negative view of change

Emerging & First-Level Leaders

Emerging and First-Level Leaders
Hallmarks of Supervisory Success

Audience: Emerging leaders identified for transition to a supervisory role, or any first-level leader who needs a brush-up on the basics.

Business Outcomes:

New leaders who can redefine their relationships with their teams, translate and implement strategy, tap into the commitment of their teams, and gain ongoing support from their managers.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders and emerging leaders to:

  • Manage their transition to a supervisory role

  • Outline actions required to build credibility

  • Identify strategies to tap into the commitment of others

  • Create a clear connection between departmental and organizational goals to increase work group commitment

  • Plan for conversations with their managers that build constructive relationships and gain their support

Guiding Collaborative Discussion

Audience: Emerging leaders identified for transition to a supervisory role, or any first-level leader who needs a brush-up on the basics.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who are competent and confident in handing a wide variety of discussions that produce more positive results and engaged colleagues.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders and emerging leaders to:

  • Identify their strengths and improvement areas in conducting discussions

  • Use a structured approach to move smoothly through through a collaborative discussion

  • Develop skills to explore other perspectives and authentically share their perspective

  • Use enhanced skills and knowledge to approach challenging discussions with greater confidence and success

  • Develop an action plan for improving their discussions

Identifying Work Priorities & Setting Verifiable Goals: Individual Contributor

Audience: First-level and emerging leaders who need to answer two questions: " What should my high-priority responsibilities be right now?" And "How will I and others know how well I'm performing?"

Business Outcomes:

Leaders and emerging leaders who prioritize their work according to desired results, formulate clear goals, and use objective terms that verify success.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders and emerging leaders to:

  • Rank work responsibilities based on their organizational contributions

  • With their managers' guidance, identify work priorities

  • Translate high-priority responsibilities into verifiable goals

  • Communicate with others about priorities and goals

Listening in a Hectic World

Audience: First-level and emerging leaders who need to understand the big-picture issues, leverage the experience in their team, and build a shared team purpose.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who can balance getting the information they need with building positive interpersonal interactions and effectiveness.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders and emerging leaders to:

  • Make better decisions about how and when they spend their listening time

  • Improve the quality of the information they receive by demonstrating curiosity and open-mindedness

  • Enhance the accuracy of what they hear by managing internal and external distractions more effectively

  • Improve performance by listening to negative feedback non-defensively

  • Save time by managing the flow of off-track conversations

Managing Your Priorities

Audience: First-level and emerging leaders who need to improve their ability to meet their top priorities.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who manage their top priorities in a way that achieve desired strategic results.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders and emerging leaders to:

  • Identify their top priorities

  • Assess their current success in sustaining focus

  • Utilize practical strategies to attain focus and achieve their priorities

  • Effectively manage requests from colleagues

  • Gather the information they need to respond intelligently to a request

  • Negotiate the terms of requests, so they say "yes" more often

  • Ask for help or advice

  • Say "no" gracefully, when necessary

Resolving Conflicts with your Peers

Audience: First-level and emerging leaders who need a process for resolving conflicts with peers that encourages shared solutions and builds constructive relationships.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who resolve peer conflicts skillfully and confidently to avoid damaging relationships while they improve personal focus and productivity.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders and emerging leaders to:

  • Reduce the impact conflict has on productivity and work relationships

  • Get a clear picture of the causes behind a conflict

  • Prepare to address conflict with a resolution mindset

  • Talk through a conflict situation objectively and non-defensively

  • Develop first steps and trial solutions to begin to resolve a conflict

  • Follow through to keep momentum toward a solution

Addressing Emotions at Work

Audience: First-level and emerging leaders who need to manage their own strong emotions and productively respond to the strong emotions of others.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who stay on top of their emotional reactions and help others do the same to promote productivity, healthy relationships, and personal well-being.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders and emerging leaders to:

  • Identify the impact of emotions on their own productivity

  • Be more aware of factors that cause their emotions to intensify, so they can manage them more effectively

  • Address their own strong emotions, so they can focus on getting work done

  • Know when it is useful and appropriate to take positive action to help others manage their emotions

  • Respond to the strong emotions of others in a constructive and objective way

Making Collaborative Decisions

Audience: First-level and emerging leaders, as well as individual contributors and mid-level leaders who would benefit from learning or revisiting these foundational skills for working collaboratively with others.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who can plan and guide group collaboration that results in sound business decisions.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders and emerging leaders to:

  • Identify decisions that require collaboration

  • Follow a proven process for making collaborative decisions

  • Identify the right people to generate options and select the best option

  • Frame the decision to focus thinking and collaboration

  • Use practical decision-making tools

  • Manage challenging team behaviors to keep decision meetings on track

First-Level Leaders

First Level Leaders
First-Line Essentials

Audience: New and more experienced first-level leaders. Can be appropriate for mid-level leaders who need to focus on essential people-leadership practices.

Business Outcomes:

First-line managers equipped with the core leadership skills to deliver results through the people who report to them, thereby raising their organization's level of success.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Deliver results through the people who report to them

  • Invest more effort into high-value activities

  • Coach team members to higher levels of performance

  • Build the team's capability to drive business results through effective goal setting and delegation

  • Maximize team members' willingness to provide discretionary effort

Delegating for Shared Success

Audience: First-level leaders, as well as leaders at other levels who can benefit from enhancing their ability to delegate.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who delegate in a way that builds ownership while providing the development experiences employees want.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Deliver results through the people who report to them

  • Invest more effort into high-value activities

  • Coach team members to higher levels of performance

  • Build the team's capability to drive business results through effective goal setting and delegation

  • Maximize team members' willingness to provide discretionary effort

First-Line Essentials

Audience: New and more experienced first-level leaders of people. Can be appropriate for mid-level leaders who need to focus on essential people-leadership practices.

Business Outcomes:

First-line managers equipped with the core leadership skills to deliver results through the people who report to them, thereby raising their organization's level of success.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Deliver results through the people who report to them

  • Invest more effort into high-value activities

  • Coach team members to higher levels of performance

  • Build the team's capability to drive business results through effective goal setting and delegation

  • Maximize team members' willingness to provide discretionary effort

  • Maximize team members' willingness to provide discretionary effort

Delegating for Shared Success

Audience: First-level leaders, as well as leaders at other levels who can benefit from enhancing their ability to delegate.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who delegate in a way that builds ownership while providing the experiences the employees want.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Identify reasons why they might not delegate as often as you could and what to do about it

  • Align delegated tasks and assignments with the most appropriate people to complete them

  • Demonstrate steps for an effective delegation conversation

  • Identify follow-up actions to facilitate employee progress, growth, and ensure results

Influencing Outcomes Through Others

Audience: First-level leaders, as well as leaders on other levels who need to improve their ability to prepare and communicate in ways that persuade and inspire others to act differently.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who apply skills and tools for Leaders who prepare and communicate in ways that persuade and inspire others to act differently.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Describe what influence is and why it's important to their role

  • Understand the five steps for engaging others to gain support and generate momentum

  • Frame ideas, proposals, and requests from the listener's perspective

  • Apply a range of strategies to ensure that spoken messages are compelling and easy to understand

  • Build support and buy-in by encouraging an exchange of ideas, opinions, and concerns

  • Develop collaborative plans to move forward

First-Level Leaders & Mid-Level Managers

First-Level and Mid-Level Managers
Conducting Performance Reviews

Audience: First-level and mid-level leaders who need to set and reset performance expectations swiftly and in a straightforward manner.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who apply skills and tools for conducting performance reviews focused on major responsibilities, ways to improve, and development needs.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Prepare for a focused and collaborative performance review meeting

  • Help employees prepare for the performance review meeting

  • Give their perspective of the person’s performance by focusing on core points

  • Overcome major performance disconnects with the employee

  • Increase employee motivation, learning, and productivity, and ensure collaboration throughout the year

Correcting Performance Problems

Audience: First-level and mid-level leaders who need to address serious or recurring performance problems in individual employees.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who step in and take prompt and decisive action to ensure that everyone is accountable for performing their job as effectively as possible.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Describe the consequences a delay has on addressing performance issues

  • Connect the work of individuals and the group to their strategic priorities

  • Identify performance situations that warrant corrective action

  • Prepare for critical components of performance-improvement conversations

  • Conduct focused, collaborative performance conversations that generate improved results

  • Respond constructively to defensive employee behaviors

Planning for Performance Discussions

Audience: First-level and mid-level leaders who need to guide employee efforts during any type of one-on-one conversation.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders well-prepared for performance-related discussions that lead to increased productivity, collaboration, and the achievement of critical goals.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Describe the role of the performance leader

  • Explain to individuals how their work supports the organization’s goals

  • Demonstrate a set of key actions for performance planning

  • Create measurable, objective goals using specific criteria

  • Recognize the challenges individuals might have in achieving their goals, and develop strategies to overcome these challenges

  • Prepare for focused performance-management conversations to address expectation setting, poor performance, and performance appraisals

Activating Change: Manager Version

Audience: First-level and mid-level leaders who need to increase change capability in their work areas and throughout the organization.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who are able to integrate change into the dense stream of day-to-day work, inspire individual commitment, and focus effort to realize business results.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Describe the central role change capability has in improved organizational and individual performance

  • Take high-impact actions to build change capability in their areas and throughout the organization

  • Maximize their commitment—and encourage the commitment of others—to making change happen

  • Work toward expected change results

Building Team Pride and Purpose

Audience: First-level and mid-level leaders who need to improve productivity by building a sense of shared commitment within their teams.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who are well-prepared for performance-related discussions that lead to increased productivity, collaboration, and the achievement of critical goals.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Accelerate team productivity through building pride within individuals and teams

  • Accelerate team productivity through building a sense of purpose within a team

  • Communicate team goals in a compelling way to inspire commitment

Developing Team Agility

Audience: First-level and mid-level leaders who need to build high levels of team agility, including quickness, flexibility, and adaptability.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders with strategies and tools to clarify how their teams will work together, provide learning opportunities, and keep their teams fully informed.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Develop team agility through day-to-day behaviors and actions

  • Select and use agility tools to:

    • Focus team effort and energy

    • Help team members quickly gain new skills and knowledge

    • Help the team stay updated on the information needed to produce results

Giving Needs-Based Feedback

Audience: First-level and mid-level leaders who want to build employee commitment with focused and inspirational performance feedback.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who give feedback that both aligns with organizational needs and supports employees' internal motivation to deliver organizational results.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Plan and facilitate effective feedback conversations, both face-to-face and voice-to-voice

  • Support employees’ internal motivation to achieve business results

  • Improve performance by helping employees find personal benefits in organizational structure and self-generated solutions

  • Receive feedback in ways that promote improved performance and maintain constructive relationships

Identifying Work Priorities and Setting Verifiable Goals: Manager Version

Audience: First-level and mid-level leaders who need to answer two questions: "What should my high-priority responsibilities be right now?" and "How will I and others know how well I'm performing?"

Business Outcomes:

Leaders and emerging leaders who prioritize their work according to desired results, formulate clear goals, and use objective terms that verify success.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Rank work responsibilities based on their organizational contributions

  • Use the Key Actions to help themselves and others identify work priorities

  • Describe ways to use goal setting as a leadership tool

  • Use the Key Actions to help themselves and others set verifiable goals

  • Communicate with others about priorities and goals

Leading Virtually: A Framework for Success

Audience: Mid-level, first-level, and project leaders with geographically dispersed team members who may reflect different job responsibilities, cultural background, or language differences.

Business Outcomes:

This module enables your leaders to build the group cohesion and individual commitment necessary for the success of a virtual team.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Provide clear focus and guidelines that promote group cohesion

  • Leverage communication skills and technology in ways that enhance individual commitment

  • Encourage collaboration among people from diverse work groups

  • Apply leadership practices to effectively lead dispersed work teams

Negotiating Resources for Your Team

Audience: Mid-level and first-level leaders.

Business Outcomes:

Negotiating skills play an increasingly important role in securing the resources a team needs to maintain its momentum toward aggressive goals. This module provides team leaders with negotiation skills that can help them secure needed resources for their teams.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Identify resources that require negotiated solutions

  • Identify day-to-day strategies for building and nurturing strong networks

  • Distinguish between another person’s position and his or her underlying interests

  • Demonstrate a set of key actions for negotiating resources on behalf of their team

Offering Rewards and Recognition

Audience: First-level and mid-level leaders who need to use tangible rewards and verbal recognition to support employees' internal motivation to achieve results.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who offer rewards and recognition that support competence, strengthen relationships, and encourage internal motivation in others.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Offer rewards that foster employee motivation

  • Offer spoken and written recognition that supports employee motivation

  • Sustain motivation by helping employees identify their own contributions

  • Encourage collaborative effort by recognizing team performance

Problem-Solving Results: Solutions, Improvements, and Innovations

Audience: First-level and mid-level leaders who need to enlist the expertise of their teams to find solutions to complex technical or strategic problems.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who follow a clear process to facilitate the collaboration of intact and ad hoc teams to identify and implement solutions to complex problems.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Achieve results through problem solving

  • Solve problems with their team by taking a blended approach to processes and people

  • Create a problem-solving culture

  • Incorporate four types of problem-solving thinking into problem-solving efforts

  • Quantify the gap between the current state and the desired state

  • Identify and verify probable causes of problems

  • Generate a variety of innovative solutions to choose from

  • Develop effective decision-making guidelines

  • Gain group consensus on a solution

  • Support implementation success

Resolving Conflicts within Your Team

Audience: First-level and mid-level leaders who need to understand the impact of conflict within a team and put processes in place for dealing with it.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who, as required, can intervene directly to resolve a conflict or help team members resolve a conflict on their own.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Identify behaviors that can fragment a team and negatively impact productivity

  • Resolve conflict within a team

  • Successfully manage unproductive reactions when dealing with team issues

  • Determine when leader-led or team member-led resolutions are most appropriate

  • Support team members in addressing conflict themselves

Shaping a Motivational Workplace

Audience: First-level and mid-level leaders who need to support the engagement and productivity of their teams.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who create an environment that inspires superior performance by helping employees satisfy their natural needs to demonstrate competence, collaborate, and exercise some control over their own work.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Recognize and leverage three basic needs in the workplace

  • Create an environment that supports need satisfaction

  • Adopt the employee’s perspective to build stronger working relationships

  • Communicate with employees without pre-judgment, in an informational way

  • Increase engagement by generating opportunities for employee choice in meeting business objectives

  • Facilitate enhanced motivation and results

The Coaching Clinic

Audience: First-level and mid-level leaders who have basic feedback skills who would benefit from an expanded set of coaching skills.

Business Outcomes:

Managers who can develop their direct reports in ways that contribute the most to individual and organizational success.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Encourage employee growth and development in everyday work through providing learning opportunities and an environment that promotes learning

  • Help employees develop critical decision-making skills and greater self-reliance through being a thinking partner

  • Provide feedback in a way that builds employee capability

  • Handle challenging coaching situations

  • Increase the return on their coaching investment

Leading Innovation: From Concept to Customer Value

Audience: First-level, mid-level managers, and team leaders.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who can generate and implement innovation within their teams.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Describe the traits of an innovative organization

  • Create an environment in which innovation thrives

  • Generate innovative ideas among their teams through leveraging a mix of creative views and experience and through helping others break habits that stifle innovation

  • Shape and select innovative ideas through wisely chosen criteria and processes

  • Make innovations a reality through executing innovation and address challenges that arise in executing innovations

First-Level, Mid-Level & Senior-Level Leaders

First-Level, Mid-Level & Senior-Level Leaders
Profiles in Genuine Leadership

Audience: Senior, mid-level, and first-level leaders who need to improve their performance in one or more of six critical "leadership zones": Reflection, Society, Diversity, Ingenuity, People, and Business.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who can assess their abilities and plan actions to meet the leadership demands of a complex 21st-century business environment.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Describe the unique challenges they face in their organization

  • Describe six key areas of action for effective leaders today

  • Identify their strengths and liabilities as a leader

  • Plan ways to apply their strengths and reduce their liabilities

  • Apply selected leadership practices to address their key leadership challenges

Generations in the Workplace: Leveraging Age Diversity

Audience: Senior, mid-level, and first-level leaders, and individual contributors who want to boost the engagement and maximize the contributions of four generations of employees in today's workplace.

Business Outcomes:

Reduced tensions, improved collaboration, and greater bottom-line results stemming from practices for leveraging age diversity.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Describe the negative consequences of age stereotypes

  • Avoid projecting age stereotypes on others

  • Describe common workplace needs across age groups

  • Treat others as individuals, regardless of their age

  • Leverage the talents and experience of others, regardless of their age

Mid-Level Managers

Mid-Level Managers
Building Commitment to Results

Audience: Mid-level leaders, as well as other levels of leaders who would benefit from enhancing their skills at building their employees’ commitment to results.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who elicit commitment from employees for business results.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Recognize and support three basic psychological needs in the workplace

  • Explore the perspective of others to create shared ownership of the work

  • Offer choices to encourage responsibility for achieving goals

  • Speak without judgment to turn compliance into commitment

Leading with Influence

Audience: Mid-level leaders.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who are able to use their influence to drive business results in complex collaboration settings, even when they do not have positional authority.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Drive business results in complex collaboration settings, even when they do not have positional authority

  • Leverage strategic relationships for the benefit of their business priorities

  • Build clarity and accountability in collaborations

  • Limit unproductive conflict with people on whom they rely to achieve their objectives

  • Sustain and enhance their ability to influence others

Developing Your Leadership Presence

Audience: Mid-level leaders, as well as other levels of leaders who would benefit from developing their leadership presence.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders with increased ability to authentically influence and connect with others.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Explain the relationship between your personal presence and your ability to influence people and situations

  • Recognize how specific behaviors increase or decrease an influential presence

  • Take steps to authentically interact with others in a more influential manner

Connecting People to Strategy

Audience: Mid-level leaders.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders with the ability to create individual and group alignment with organizational strategy by providing the clarity and focus around the strategy and people’s role in it.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Clarify how your strategic priorities contribute to the success of the organization

  • Connect the work of individuals and the group to your strategic priorities

  • Communicate in ways that create alignment and engagement

Mid-Level & Senior-Level Leaders

Mid-Level & Senior-Level Leaders
Accelerating Strategic Initiatives

Audience: Mid-level and senior-level leaders who lead strategic initiatives or complex projects. Can be adapted for first-level leaders or for individual contributors who lead project teams. (Not intended for senior executives.)

Business Outcomes:

Faster, more successful execution of projects and initiatives by setting them up for success from the outset, with a focus on building involvement in the effort across various affected groups.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Seek out, clarify, and confirm ideas and information

  • Describe organizational issues and strategy in a compelling way

  • Recognize the challenges and benefits of giving feedback

  • Focus individual action on issues through feedback

  • Explore useful ideas for turning strategies into action

  • Lobby for the support and resources you need to address key organizational issues

Bridging Strategy to Outcomes

Audience: Mid-level and senior-level managers who need to drive operational activities toward strategic goals.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who rise above the pack to achieve measurable outcomes through listening for groundbreaking ideas, aligning performance with strategic direction, lobbying for support, making decisions based on sound data, and helping people see how their actions make a difference.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Seek out, clarify, and confirm ideas and information

  • Describe organizational issues and strategy in a compelling way

  • Recognize the challenges and benefits of giving feedback

  • Focus individual action on issues through feedback

  • Explore useful ideas for turning strategies into action

  • Lobby for the support and resources you need to address key organizational issues

Leading Change

Audience: Mid-level and senior-level leaders who are leading strategic initiatives or broad changes in their part of the organization.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who can accelerate change efforts throughout the strategy execution life cycle, manage multiple initiatives, and adapt to constant change while successfully driving results.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Sustain high performance under turbulent conditions through improving their personal adaptability to change

  • Successfully implement a change initiative through all phases of the execution life cycle

  • Develop and maintain a broad base of commitment and support for new strategies, initiatives, and programs

Leading Through Transitions

Audience: Mid-level and senior-level leaders who have recently been, are presently, or will soon be making a key leadership transition.

Business Outcomes:

Reduce the impact of common leadership transitions on leaders and their teams and increase their ability to quickly deliver results during these times. (Transitions addressed are high stakes turning points that result in high rates of failure: a new role, special assignments, new team members, new organizational strategy or leadership.)

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Deliver rapid results during times of common leadership transitions

  • Quickly recognize their business context and respond appropriately to it

  • Create alignment with their team and manager

  • Gain support from key individuals who will help drive success

  • Enable their team to respond to transitions with speed and agility

Dilemma Management

Audience: Mid- and senior-level leaders who need to wrestle with and lead through situations with no simple right answer.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who are better able to manage complex business situations (e.g., the dilemma of focusing on short-term profitability or long-term growth) and more effectively deliver results.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Differentiate a problem from a dilemma

  • Identify and analyze dilemmas

  • Develop and apply strategies for successfully managing dilemmas

Senior-Level Leaders

Senior-Level Leaders
Activating Change - Executive Version

Audience: Executives and other senior leaders who face challenges that require significant and sustained organizational change.

Business Outcomes:

In the past, an executive team’s primary focus was the change itself. Today, this focus has expanded to include helping the organization respond to wave after wave of change, in short to become “changecapable.” This workshop helps executives address deficiencies revealed in a companion multi-level survey by applying four best practices that can move employees beyond grudging compliance to active commitment.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Apply essential practices to a key change initiative

  • Build a change-capable organization

  • Work as a team to build momentum for change

  • Coach leaders in the practices and tools of change management

Leading Across Boundaries

Audience: Senior-level leaders and upper-mid-level leaders being prepared for more senior levels of management.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who can set direction and promote collaboration across organizational boundaries, inside and outside the organization, resulting in more effective collaboration among functions, divisions, and teams as well as suppliers, partners, and customers.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Generate more effective collaboration among functions, divisions, and teams, as well as suppliers, partners, and customers

  • Create a compelling context for a cross-boundary endeavor so that people will want to work together

  • Gain support and involvement from the right mix of players who can successfully move the crossboundary initiative forward

  • Improve personal ability to lead without direct authority

All Levels of Leaders

All Levels of Leaders
Building Trust Under Pressure: The Basic Principles

Audience: All leaders and emerging leaders who need to earn credibility and trust, build a wide network of effective relationships, maintain a positive work environment even under pressure, and defuse highly charged situations with others.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders with solid foundational leadership habits for building productivity and strong working relationships.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Identify six Basic Principles for building credibility and trust with others in challenging situations

  • Identify and use their Basic Principle strengths under pressure

  • Use the Basic Principles to address problems and take positive action in challenging situations

Adapting to Constant Change

Audience: All levels of leaders.

Business Outcomes:

Leaders who perform more effectively in an environment of constant change and uncertainty

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Absorb more change and uncertainty while delivering high levels of performance

  • Use a process to immediately manage and reduce the impact of disruptions, distractions, stress, and anxiety on their performance

  • Develop an action plan for long-term improvement of their own adaptability


Audience: All levels of leaders and individual contributors whose role it is to convey information, provide advice, bring data to life, expand business, and build consultative, long-term relationships with their clients—inside and outside their organizations.

Business Outcomes:

Enable leaders and individual contributors to increase engagement and impact among key stakeholders by incorporating stories into critical meetings, presentations, and conversations.

Learning Outcomes:

This program will enable your leaders to:

  • Create stories for chosen business situations using four story types

  • Identify the most effective story type for different business situations

  • Dramatically enhance a key message, conversation, or presentation through use of a story

  • Leave the session with one fully crafted story they can use to advance a critical relationship

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